Sunday, 5 January 2014


Video Feedback
I asked for video feedback on my product from different people in my class. I asked them if they would buy my magazine, what they liked about it, what they disliked about it and what I should change.

My Front Cover

I asked Bryony for feedback on my front cover of my product, she told me what she liked about the front cover and also gave me improvements.

My Contents page

Abby analysed my contents page and told me exactly what she liked about it, if she would buy it and also what was attractive about it. 

My Double page spread

Courtnie analysed my double page spread article and gave me useful feedback. It was nice to hear positive things about my product and also get some improvements which would make my product better.

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram feedback 

I used social media websites in order to get feedback on my products which I created. This helped me because I got to know whether my target audience would read R&R. The audience I asked are part of a younger Mod generation who are interested in the 60's/Rock n Roll genre.


  1. Connor's video appears to be cut short - do you want to have a look at that ?

  2. Hi Helen - I've removed the video that was cut short and replaced it with a new one :)
