Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Progress Post

Since my last progress post I have been to the Sunderland University photo studio to take my images. On Monday 4th November myself, my friends Courtnie, Bryony and Michelle all went to the studio to take our images. I was Courtnies model, Bryony was my model and Michelle was Bryonys model. We booked a four hour slot so we could get all of the images done and also help each other if anyone needed anything. Everything went really well on the day and the photographs turned out really high quality and exactly how we wanted them. 
I have now edited the photographs I would like to use for my magazine, I showed my lecturer the selection of shots I had taken and she gave me some guidance on which ones would be effective to use.
Here below is the image I am using for my front cover and how I have edited it.

The image before it was edited, it needed to
be cropped and have a few tweaks done
to it, for example lighting and marks on
the image that were visible. 
The image after it was edited, I used photoshop
to edit blemishes and marks using
the magic wand tool on the photograph.
I also made the photograph lighter using the
brightness and contrast tools.

This image below is of my front cover which I have designed on photoshop. I understand that some things aren't clear, for example the main sell-line needs to be a different colour. I also feel as though I could use a few more fonts to differ the sell lines from the main sell line, also the pull quote could be in a different font. I am happy with my sell lines and feel they are relevant to my genre, I've also used puns and references to bands songs in the sell lines. My lecturer and class have helped me a lot by giving me feedback on how I can improve this front cover. In one lesson, my work was displayed on the board and my class filled in a sheet to say what they liked/disliked and also what I could improve on.

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