Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Progress Post: Front Cover

After feedback and improvements I have finally finished my front cover of my magazine! I've taken on board all of the feedback I have been given to make my product look better and more professional. Here below is my up to date and finished front cover:

As you can see it looks quite different to my first attempt, I have experimented a lot more with different fonts to make my magazine stand out more and look a lot more appealing. I have taken screenshots to show the conventions of my magazine cover which I have changed throughout creating it. At first my design was very basic, the fonts were all the same and the colours were quite hard to see, I also had a button on the magazine to advertise a cover-mount, but I removed it and put a banner along the top to make the magazine look more professional 

The image below shows my third attempt at my magazine front cover, I started to use different fonts for my sell lines and added the banner, I also changed the colour of the main sell line 'Bryony Lily' to red and used a drop shadow to make it stand out. The other thing which I changed after this was the pull quote on the record which was far too thin and faint. I changed the banner at the bottom so it matched the one at the top of the magazine. I am a lot happier with the way my front cover looks and think I have made a lot of positive progress to change it and make it look more appealing.

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