Thursday, 24 October 2013

The Recce

I am shooting my photographs at Sunderland University photography studio, so the health and safety risks are mainly trailing cables, and also tripping over the black material on the floor which my model will be standing on. However, I will make sure that these risks are kept minimal by keeping the cables altogether and not in peoples way, and also make sure the material is straight so people don't trip over it.
If I was doing an outdoor shoot I would have to consider the weather, but as I'm in a studio I won't have to worry about it effecting the photographs. I want a white background which is possible because of the backdrop in the studio, again the lighting I have will be artificial so I will have to consider the brightness. If I was to use natural lighting it could effect the photographs depending on the weather. I will need to use a flash to make the shot high quality. I have considered that the bright lights could leave a white glow around my model so I will have to make sure that the lights aren't too overpowering. I have got permission to take photographs in the venue I'm using, I just need to book it when it is free, I am booking the Sunderland Uni photography studio, which I have been to look at and I think it would be a great place to take my photographs. 
The only people with me are going to be my model and also another two girls who are also doing their photo-shoots. We have organised when we are all free and need to email to ask when the studio is free. Not only is there a studio but also a dressing room where I can do my models hair and make-up. 

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